Undoubtedly in the myriad of books, articles, websites, and blogs dedicated to the little galaxy George built, the subject of how the Force can be used has been thoroughly dissected upon. It is assumed by many fans that the Jedi and Sith uses the Force around them constantly in battle to prevent their opponent from pulling their lightsaber from their grasp with a thought. Darth Vader easily disarmed Han Solo of his blaster so it has been established that the Force is used in such a manner against people with no resistance to it. Now we come to the inconsistency in the use of the Force; throughout the entire series, Jedi Knights have taken on many opponents who have no power over it. Why is it they are almost always on the defensive, allowing droids, Stormtroopers and the like to continuously blast at them? With a power as they possess, they have the potential means to end most conflicts without once even drawing their lightsabers. Case in point: in Revenge of the Sith, Obi-Wan Kenobi does battle with General Grievous. Grievous unleashes four mechanical arms, each wielding a 'saber as he boasts that Count Dooku trained him in the Jedi arts. Obi-Wan then has his work cut out for him as he battles with lightsaber, fists and then finally a blaster, all of which are completely unnecessary. All Obi-Wan needs to do is use the force to either rip all four lightsabers from Grievous' grasp or rips his metal arms off completely. Done. Some might argue that that just isn't how it is done in the Jedi world. Observe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1UPccudqmU That one scene (which is considered canon with the movies) completely negates every single time a Jedi has stood his ground blocking lasers with a lightsaber instead of mopping the floor with their opponent by just thinking about it. If Jedi's aren't doing this because they have some code against it (Mace apparently has no such qualms) or they don't think to, then their use of the force isn't inconsistent, it's stupid too.
Daniel is a writer/artist/filmmaker currently overseeing post-production on his film Avenging Disco Vampires. He is also the co-creator of the all-ages comic book series The Adventures of Nightclaw & Prowler published by Old World Comics.