7 Marvel Villains Saved By The MCU

1. Bullseye

Red Skull Avengers

As stated before, Daredevil is possibly one of the most unfairly maligned comic book movies of its time. However, there were two aspects of the film that were undeniably awful. The first was the infamous playground scene, and the second was the film's insultingly shoddy attempt at bringing iconic Daredevil villain Bullseye to the big screen.

The character's inclusion was a clunky mess, seeing as how he had to share the limelight with Kingpin and Elektra, leaving him with very little time to shine. Furthermore, while the "branded forehead" Bullseye design worked fine in the comics, it looked rather silly on-screen. Finally, the character was written so poorly that the whole thing was little more than a massive waste of Colin Farrell's talents.

Bullseye seemed to be completely dead in the water as far as live-action was concerned, until Netflix came to the rescue one last time in Daredevil season 3.

The season as a whole is absolutely fantastic and a big part of the reason why comes right down to Wilson Bethel's portrayal of Ben Poindexter/Bullseye. Dex is, without hyperbole, the perfect combination of the grounded drama that makes Daredevil so enthralling to watch and over-the-top comic book action Marvel fans love.

His marksmanship is beyond terrifying and his backstory represents one of the most nuanced, true-to-life portrayals of psychopathy in television history. And once again, Bethel's utterly chilling performance only serves to elevate the character that much more, especially considering how much time he was afforded to make his impact.

In the end, Daredevil season 3 not only redeemed live-action Bullseye and then some, but also turned an iconic and frightening, yet fairly one-dimensional comic book villain into one of the most compelling, multi-layered baddies on television today.

In the end, while the first attempt missed the mark, this new live-action take on the classic Daredevil rogue was nothing short of a bullseye.


A film-loving wrestling fan from west Texas who will live and die by the statement that Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wars movie and unironically cherishes the brief moment and time when Deuce & Domino were WWE Tag Team Champions. Hates honey, but loves honey mustard.