7 Most Overrated Comic Book Movie Performances

2. Mark Ruffalo - The Hulk - The Avengers/The Avengers: Age Of Ultron


When Mark Ruffalo replaced Ed Norton in the role of Dr. Bruce Banner in the MCU (Norton left over "creative differences"), there was a collective sigh of relief from Marvel fans the world over, all who deemed the actor to be perfect for the part. Ruffalo merged effortlessly with the established Avengers, of course, and gave a performance that was both endearing and memorable? Uh, maybe.

All these years later, nobody has ever stopped to consider whether Mark Ruffalo really is as great a Banner as we've all proclaimed him to be. Or, you know, whether he's just a lot better than Ed Norton in the role (which isn't saying much) or - worse of all - just kind of playing Mark Ruffalo.

Because there is an argument to be had, unfortunately, that Mark Ruffalo's performance in The Avengers movies is average at best. Of all the Avengers, he's the one member of the cast who doesn't really lend himself to the comic book aesthetic in full force; everyone else has a cartoonish or tongue in cheek way about them, but Ruffalo - he's straight out of an indie drama.

This isn't supposed to be an attack on this talented actor's performances in these films; he's perfectly fine in them, but what about Ruffalo screams "perfect Bruce Banner/Hulk" in the same way that Robert Downey Jr. screams "perfect Tony Stark/Iron Man"? Not a whole lot. I often find myself getting caught up in the idea that Mark Ruffalo is an amazing Hulk, followed by a niggling seed of doubt at the back of my mind. One which says: "Have we given the guy more credit than he deserves?"


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.