7 Most Unexpected Ways Movies Had An Impact On Real Life

3. Errol Morris Gets An Innocent Man Out Of Jail

The Thin Blue Line In 1977, Randall Adams was walking down the streets of Dallas, Texas, when he was arrested and charged with murder. He was declared guilty and sentenced to die by lethal injection, even though vital evidence that would clear him had been dismissed during the trial. 8 years later, Errol Morris arrived in Dallas to work on a documentary whose subject was a doctor that had been involved in the Randall Adams trial. As the doctor told him more about the trial, Morris grew increasingly intrigued by Randall Adams, and pretty soon he abandoned the doctor and started investigating on his own. 2 years later, the results of his investigation would come to light in The Thin Blue Line, a documentary which audiences and critics alike hailed as thought-provoking. The buzz surrounding the film was so that it forced the Texas appeals court to grant Adams a new trial. He was declared innocent.

Ricardo lives in El Salvador and occasionally writes for Cracked.com