7 Movie Characters Who Gave Love A Bad Name

3. Anyone in The Hottie and the Nottieimage I'm pleased to say that I had not seen this film before embarking on this list. Being the masochist that I am however I decided to watch it with a view to including it here. I did my best to rid myself of all pre-conceptions and attempted to view it with a completely open mind. Unfortunately, this proved impossible. I mean, look at the bloody title for Christ's sake. The movie starts with a man getting hit over the head with a guitar. For the rest of the film I found myself wishing that I was being mercilessly beaten round the brain with said stringed-instrument. That would have been a more enjoyable way to spend an hour and a half than watching this "film". This movie is two things. Firstly, it is basically a non-explicit Paris Hilton sex tape number 2, reminding us all that Paris Hilton is a good looking woman. Yeah, cheers for that. Secondly, it shows her human side. She is friends with a girl who has a mole on her face and comically bad teeth. What a saint. I've heard Amnesty International are looking to make her an honorary member. But wait! This girl with a mole on her face and the comically bad teeth has hope - there is a dentist in town. And low and behold when she has some work done it turns out that she is attractive after all, and thus it becomes acceptable for the director to show her on screen without her own little soundtrack of dread. "Ugly girl has personality", would be a good tagline, or perhaps "plastic surgery solves all of life's problems". The fact that Paris Hilton's acting is not the worst thing about this movie gives you some idea of the depths it sinks to. It not only gives love a bad name, it makes the viewer question the value of humanity in general.


Phil is a politics graduate interested in film, TV and tweeting Alan Partridge quotes to obscure British celebrities. He is currently reviewing every film he watches between Halloween 2013 and Halloween 2014 over on his blog - www.philfilmblog.blogspot.co.uk