7 Movie Plots That Could Have Been Resolved In Five Minutes

1. The Lord Of The Rings

Isildur Lord of the Rings
Warner Bros

The Plot: In the opening scene of The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring, an epic battle takes place: men and elves on one side, and Sauron's forces on the other. Midway through the battle, Prince Isildur chops off Sauron's finger, ending the Dark Lord's physical form and leaving the One Ring up for grabs.

Since the Ring should be destroyed for the greater good, Elrond takes Isildur to the top of Mount Doom, where he tells the Prince to cast the Ring into the fire.

Enchanted by the Ring's power, Isildur declines and walks away, a choice that leads to the entire Lord Of The Rings saga; Frodo acquiring the Ring, forming the Fellowship, Boromir's death, the Helm's Deep battle, Gollum leading Frodo to Shelob, and everything else in between.

How It Could've Been Resolved Quickly: After Isildur rejects the idea of destroying the Ring, he turns around and walks along the long, long bridge that leads from the heart of Mount Doom, to the exit.

While he's on this bridge, all Elrond has to do is rugby tackle him off the edge, sending them both plummeting to their deaths - and the Ring along with them. Or, he could sneak up behind Isildur and push him off cleanly. Why does he stand there and do nothing? Isildur is transfixed by the Ring, and he probably wouldn't even notice if Elrond made a move of any sort.

With the Ring gone, there would be no need for any of the Lord Of The Rings movies, and thousands of lives would have been saved. Elrond even says "it should have ended that day", as though he knows he screwed up.

Yeah, you did buddy. You definitely did.

Any other movie plots that could have ended way, way earlier? Let us know in the comments section!

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