7 Movie Scenes So Extreme They Made Actors Quit

4. Four Native American Actors Walked Amid Racism Accusations - The Ridiculous 6

The Ridiculous Six Adam Sandler

Adam Sandler's straight-to-Netflix western comedy The Ridiculous 6 came under intense scrutiny months before its release, when it was revealed that four Native American day-players walked off the movie after becoming upset with its insensitive, even racist, portrayal of Apache culture, alongside its generally sexist attitude towards women.

Sure, nobody expects much taste or decency out of an Adam Sandler comedy, but even so, anyone who's seen the final movie can appreciate it reaches for the lowest-hanging, most offensive comedic fruit every single time.

Granted, there were almost 150 native extras who weren't offended enough to leave, but even so, the walk-out resulted in worldwide headlines long before the movie even hit streaming. Not that it had any effect at all on the movie's popularity.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.