7 Movie Scenes That Could ONLY Be Done On The First Take

3. Crashing Pence's Party (Borat Subsequent Moviefilm)

Carrell 40 Year Old Virgin
Amazon Studios

The two Borat movies contain some truly outrageous sequences, such as the naked hotel fight in the first film, or the moon blood dance in the second.

While these scenes would still be quite funny if they were filmed like a normal comedy movie, what takes the humour up a notch is the fact that they're shot like a documentary, with handheld camera movements, shakiness, and the bemused extras in the scene often looking straight down the lens.

But with certain moments in these movies, this documentary approach isn't just a stylistic choice: leading man Sacha Baron Cohen actually films some of his crazy comedy stunts for real, with real, unwitting people, in real environments.

For example, take the Mike Pence scene in 2020's Oscar-nominated Borat Subsequent Moviefilm, in which Borat - costumed to look like former President Donald Trump - crashes the Conservative Political Action Conference and interrupts Pence's speech, to the frustration of the attending crowd.

While this scene could probably have been pulled off in a less effective way using Hollywood trickery - green screen, CGI, body doubles, etc. - Baron Cohen actually did it for real, meaning that he had to get it right on the very first take.

After performing the stunt, Baron Cohen was escorted from the building by security, and they obviously wouldn't have let him back in for another go!


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.