7 Movies That Scared You Away From Ever Taking Public Transport Again

2. Ship - Titanic (1997)

The infamous tale of the RMS Titanic was beamed up to the big screen in 1997, weaving a fictional love story around the factual collapse of the supposedly unsinkable British passenger liner - going down on its maiden voyage in 1912 and killing 1514 passengers on board. If the tale of the Titanic wasn't enough to put you off travelling by ship, then James Cameron's film documenting the liner's incredible crash certainly is. Whilst it occasionally gets bogged down by the cheesiness of Leonardo DiCaprio's and Kate Winslet's longing eyes, the images of the ship itself are spectacular, and the final moments extremely frightening. From the moment the Titanic strikes the iceberg, Cameron's movie cranks up the fear factor and conveys a true sense of helplessness and terror, from the desperate screams of the passengers, to the calm prayers of a vicar, to the horror of those trapped forever in the icy waters. Despite the film being based on an event from the early 1900's, and being produced eighteen years ago, the experience of Titanic remains enormously intimidating, and certainly won't make you want to hop on a luxury cruise soon after watching it.
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