7 Movies Way Better Than They Had Any Right To Be

6. Iron Man

Iron Man Promo
Marvel Studios

It’s hard to look back and remember that there was a time not very long ago where Iron Man was a B-Tier superhero at best. Marvel had sold off a lot of their big names through the 1990s and aside from the Chris Nolan’s Batman films the comic-book movie genre was petering to what felt like a full and final stop.

Robert Downey Jr. had clambered out of the cocaine fuelled stupor of the early 00s but still wasn’t the blockbuster A-list people might have expected to carry a superhero movie, but oh boy did he blow it away with his performance as Tony Stark.

Iron Man looked set to be just another middling action flick, but the tight script, acting and direction set the stage for the cinematic behemoth the MCU has become. Civil War. Infinity War. Homecoming. Iron Man was the proof of concept for them all and the birth of a billion dollar vision for the MCU. Who'd have guessed the fruits of it's endeavour would still be paying off a decade later?

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Iron Man
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Writer, editor and presenter for WhatCulture, also a resident musician at NU. I know I'm not as funny as I think I am, please stop pointing it out...