7 Movies Where The Villain Dies Earlier Than You Think

1. Howard Stambler - 10 Cloverfield Lane

Django Unchained
Paramount Pictures

Though this surprise Cloverfield spin-off was generally well-received by critics and audiences alike, by far the most common criticism is that the final few minutes, where an alien spacecraft shows up after demented survivalist Howard Stambler (John Goodman) dies, feels rather tacked on.

But you might be a little surprised to learn that Stambler actually dies an entire 20 minutes before the end of the story.

Moreover, there's a little more of a breather between his death and the arrival of the spacecraft than you probably remember, as Michelle (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) removes her gas mask and surveys the area for a few minutes.

Further still, that final showdown between Michelle and the ship is fairly drawn-out and suspenseful, but because Goodman's Stambler is such an overpowering presence throughout the movie, it's easy to assume he sticks around a little longer than he actually does.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.