7 Reasons To Be Excited For Anchorman: The Legend Continues

2. Another Brick In The Wall

url-4 With his eye on the sky and his head in the clouds, everyone€™s favourite mentally-retarded weatherman will return for The Legend Continues. Brick Tamland arguably stole the show in Anchorman as €˜the guy who can€™t think€™, and his irrelevant contributions were a source of pure joy throughout the movie. Carell revealed in an interview with Jay Leno that Brick €˜will not evolve, he will devolve€™, so we can expect a lot more easily quotable dialogue in The Legend Continues. This will no doubt come as devastating news for the minority of non-Anchorman fans who thought they had heard the last of people quoting €˜I love lamp€™ and €˜LOUD NOISES!€™.

A student currently doing an English Language & Literature degree. I'm kind of a big deal. My apartment smells of rich mahogany and I have many leather-bound books. Anchorman is my favourite film.