7 Reasons Why Bane Wasn't All That Bad

6. He Educated the Masses

While, again, his methods are quantifiably insane, Bane did serve an important purpose in educating the less-knowledgeable citizens of Gotham about not necessarily taking public officers and the authorities at their word, instead suggesting they question their government, as most people with a healthy interest in politics are likely to do today. Furthermore, albeit in a facetious manner, he did teach the citizens the value of shares, and with the present financial crisis, how that can affect their savings. This point is reinforced during Bane's stock exchange heist; a police officer notes how he's glad he keeps his cash at home so Bane can't steal it, while Foley admonishes him and mentions that it'll be worth a lot less if they don't stop this terror, obviously referring to hyperinflation/devaluation. Furthermore, this scene also has one of Bane's greatest moments; he enters the stock exchange, while a young trader asserts that there's no money at the exchange, to which Bane retorts "Then why are you here?", obviously referring to the greedy nature of Wall Street traders and their part in landing us in the financial meltdown we are currently saddled with. It's almost a moment in which the viewer is entirely on Bane's side, no matter how fleeting it is. While he goes too far, you have to hand it to him; he has a point.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.