7 Reasons Why Disney Owning All Marvel Film Franchises Is A Bad Idea

6. Less Spin-Off Potential

Thanks to some leaked test footage, fans finally got a taste of what the long-awaited Deadpool movie starring Ryan Reynolds would be like, and it was absolutely wonderful. Although Fox has been notoriously slow to get this project off the ground, despite the clear enthusiasm of both fans and Reynolds, there still remains the hope that they will move ahead with it. A Gambit spin-off starring Channing Tatum is also in the works. Likewise, we€™ve also gotten the announcement from Sony that they€™ll be producing a Spider-Man spin-off featuring a female character. Marvel is also in the spin-off game, with Stan Lee recently saying that a Black Widow movie featuring Scarlett Johansson was very likely, and that she€™ll be featured more prominently going forward. But if all these properties end up under one umbrella, that means there€™s a lot less money to go around and a lot less opportunity for these spin-offs. Think a Deadpool or Gambit movie seems unlikely now, when Fox only has a small number of characters to choose from? Imagine how much that unlikelihood would skyrocket if Disney had control of all the characters and had a lot more choices.
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Percival Constantine is the author of several novels and short stories, including the Vanguard superhero series, and regularly writes and comments on movies, comics, and other pop culture. More information can be found at his website, PercivalConstantine.com