7 Reasons Why The Man Of Steel Trailer Is Actually Better Than The Movie

6. The Trailer Plays Down The CGI Levels

What originally struck me about this Superman incarnation was the fact that it looked to be clearly under the influence of the Christopher Nolan School of Filmmaking: that's to say, more realism, and less CGI. As a result, I was genuinely looking forward to seeing how Nolan and Synder would come together to give the movie a new slant. I think it's safe to say that Synder's influence was far more prominent than Nolan's. I barely saw Nolan. Because, let's face it, I don't think that anybody was really prepared for just quite how computerised this movie turned out to be. In the trailer, we're given a few glimpses of some CGI-heavy battles and explosions, but there's something about the fact that they're coupled with realistic shots that plays down the idea that this movie is a relentless CG orgy. One of my biggest problems with the movie is that the action sequences never seemed to end: ultimately, getting a glimpse of the fights proved more entertaining than watching them go on for 25 minutes.
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Man Of Steel
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