7 Star Wars Actors Who Quit
These actors all had enough of Star Wars.

Star Wars is pretty much a dream gig for vast swaths of actors, because beyond the hefty payday involved, if the fanbase loves you, you're going to keep getting invited back again and again for more work.
But that doesn't mean it's necessarily a good fit for everybody, or that actors want to keep playing around in that sandbox forever.
And so, sometimes actors who've appeared in the franchise end up drawing a line and calling it a day, deciding to walk away from the franchise, paycheck be-damned.
Sometimes it's simply a case of the actor involved feeling that they've given enough to the series and wanting to move onto other projects, while in other instances they may have had a sour experience working on such a high-pressure franchise with a notoriously vocal fanbase.
Whatever the reason, these eight actors all walked away from Star Wars - at least for a while - no matter that Lucasfilm and Disney absolutely had more work for them to do.
Easy though it is to scoff at working performers turning down future work, it's not always about money (though sometimes it absolutely is)...
7. Freddy Prinze Jr.

Freddie Prinze Jr. provided the voice for Jedi Kanan Jarrus throughout Star Wars Rebels' four seasons, which culminated with the character's sacrificial death, seemingly bringing his Star Wars tenure to a natural enough end when the show too concluded in 2018.
However, Prinze did end up reprising the role in cameo form in both The Rise of Skywalker and an episode of Star Wars: The Bad Batch's first season, since which he's straight-up confirmed that he's 100% done with the character. In an interview with Kristian Harloff, he said:
"I was asked to [return for The Bad Batch], yeah. I didn't necessarily want to. I feel like every time you hear Kanan's voice since Rebels ended, it really kind of dilutes his impact... I didn’t want to do [The Rise of Skywalker] either. I was asked as a favor and I feel like all my - all their favors are used up now."
Prinze further confirmed that he wouldn't be appearing as the character in the upcoming live-action Ahsoka series, adding, "I'm done with Kanan. I'm too old for that stuff."
While this technically doesn't preclude Prinze from playing another Star Wars character in the future, reading between the lines it sure sounds like he's happy to move onto other things.