7 Star Wars Scenes Deleted For The Dumbest Reasons

5. C-3PO's Interesting Upgrade Is Dropped Because Of Timing Reasons - Star Wars: Attack Of The Clones

Star Wars Episode VIII The Last Jedi Deleted Scene

When fans were reintroduced to the legendary protocol droid known as C-3PO in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace, not only did they discover that he was actually hilariously created by Darth Vader himself, but he also didn't always boast those shiny gold body plates.

In the years between that movie and Episode II - Attack of the Clones, however, Threepio was thankfully covered up a little. But in having him plated up off-screen, viewers were robbed of a rather touching exchange between Anthony Daniels' droid and Natalie Portman's Padmé Amidala.

You see, a few moments were originally shot that would have involved a still rather "naked" Threepio confiding in Amidala about how he felt hurt after being left bare all these years.

Eventually, Amidala would have discovered some plating in that very room, piecing together the legendary droid before finally placing his face on the robot.

In the end, though, Lucas took one look at the footage and decided that this rather heartwarming moment had to be cut from the picture due to "timing reasons", with the director not feeling this moment would work while Anakin was away murdering sand people.

So, Lucas felt this valuable piece of quieter character development would have been jarring, but those dodgy sand monologues and the floating pear nonsense were just fine? Right.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...