7 Stephen King Adaptations That Are Unintentionally Hilarious

1. The Mangler 2

Lance Henriksen (billed as €œHenricksen€ in the closing credits) plays the head of a €œprestigious€ private school that has roughly 7 students, 3 tutors and looks like a deserted office building. The staff are pornography consumers and alcoholics, the cook is mean and surly (he€™s French, you see) and the damn fool kids have just downloaded Mangler 2.0, a computer virus the web claims will destroy the lives of everyone you know. When €œHenricksen€ threatens to cancel the graduation prom following a practical joke, this annoys the kids no end so, taking advice from the Jack Torrance Book Of Extreme Measures, they upload the virus to the school€™s computer network. This proves to be a bad idea. The school has recently installed an ultra-modern, high-tech security system, complete with electrified fences that could take down a 300lb gorilla, so once infected it goes all HAL 9000 and attempts to murder the students when they€™re not skinny dipping or getting high. It also turns €œHenricksen€ into a man-machine hybrid whose methods border on sadism €“ instead of torturing people, he sings Wannabe by The Spice Girls. For an uber-villain bent on World Domination, though, €œHenricksen€ is shockingly easy to defeat. Pushing him backwards is enough to make him shoot sparks, spit milk and bow his head in surrender€.as the actor probably did at the end of each day€™s shooting.
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Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'