7. Melancholia, 2011
Director Lars Von Trier was the subject of controversy at the 2011 Cannes Film Festival when he called himself a nazi and said he sympathized with Hitler. He was banned from the festival and labelled a "persona non grata." While the label may cause shame in others, Von Trier seems to wear it like a badge of honour on this poster for his film Melancholia. In the left hand corner there's a seal with "persona non grata" on it. He's also front and centre on this poster, which is odd considering directors usually don't appear on posters for their own films- unless their last name is Hitchcock.
Andrew Edward Davies
I'm Canadian! I'm a recent graduate of the Journalism Program at the University of King's College in Halifax. I'm an aspiring actor and film critic, and lover of all things film and Shakespeare. My favourite movie is "Casablanca" and my favourite play of Shakespeare is "Othello."
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