7 Stupid Retcons That Ruined Famous Movie Franchises

7. Flint Marko Killed Uncle Ben - Spider-Man 3

Ugh. What maniac thought that this would be a good idea? In the original (and actually good) Spider-Man flick, Peter Parker is inspired to become the web-slinger of the movie's title after his uncle, Ben, is shot and killed on the street by a random thug. It's a brilliantly simple origin story, and one that never, ever needed to be messed with by way of a dumb retcon. Unfortunately, nobody told the screenwriters of Spider-Man 3 that, given that they decided to go back and mess with this crucial event in the Spider-Man mythology. Somehow, it turns out that, no, that random thug - Dennis Carradine - was merely an accomplice to the killer, and that Flint Marko (AKA Sandman) was actually the real murderer, because... uh... Talk about coincidences! It was a terrible, awkward move, and one that only served to make Spider-Man 3 even more questionable than it already was. Plus it basically turned Peter Parker into a murderer.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.