7 Things All Slytherins Should Do At Universal Orlando's Wizarding World Of Harry Potter

5. Cast Magic In Knockturn Alley

If you're a Slytherin a trip to Knockturn Alley is a must.

Hidden behind Diagon Alley, the dimly lit street is filled will chances to explore some of the darker magic of the Wizarding World.

Using your interactive wand, you can transform a skeleton to dance, bewitch a small house elf to run up a chimney and cast spells on a small bird. The magic in Knockturn Alley is definitely darker than those in Diagon Alley.

One of the spells you can cast that has a hidden Easter Egg is the shrunken heads in the window. You can use your wand to make the shrunken heads sing on command. One of the songs in their repertoire is "Show Me The Way To Go Home", a nod to the now closed Jaws ride that used to be in where Diagon Alley now is.

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