7 Times Someone Caught The Idiot Ball In Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan

2. No One In Engineering Cares If They Die

Wrath of Khan Kirk is hit with an Idiot Ball

Kirk seems to be incapable of making a good decision in this film, which I’ll touch on in the next section. So when the ship needs to be saved from a ticking time bomb in the shape of an armed Genesis Device, Spock has to step in and try to fix the mess.

What he finds when he gets to the engine room is that it isn’t just Kirk who’s lost the will to live, it’s the entire engineering staff. Not one of them have even attempted to go in the mystery radiation room to reconnect the main engines. There are no cadet bodies laying about. No one’s even got a helmet on them.

And what’s worse, when Spock attempts to give it a go, McCoy gets in his way. They’re all going to die in three minutes. Is McCoy worried Spock will be dead in two minutes instead? Even after Spock goes in Scotty magically wakes up and screams at him to get out of the chamber. Why is everyone so against anyone doing anything proactive?


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