7 'Unadaptable' Comic Book Storylines (That Are Already Becoming Movies)

5. The Death Of Superman/The Dark Knight Returns

Dark Knight Returns Batman V Superman
DC Comics

This technically crosses over into Batman V Superman, but still, they're two story-arcs that are clearly being developed into this year's Justice League. So there.

The Dark Knight Returns is commonly regarded as being one of the greatest Batman stories of all time, but it also presents a deeply dystopian version of the character - one that doesn't lend itself all that well to the big screen. Audiences discovered as much when Batman v Superman released last year, with the film having featured a Frank Miller-esque Dark Knight that, in some parts, actually came across crueler than the Batman of Miller's comic.

Batman v Superman tried really, really hard to embody the spirit of Miller's seminal release but its presentation of the comic was reductive at best. There's much more to it than Bats and Supes duking it out in the snow, with there being, well, actual cause behind the confrontation in the comic book.

Likewise, The Death of Superman - despite being controversial - is viewed as being among the most famous and definitive storylines to have featured the character. Essential to its success, however, was that Superman actually stayed dead for quite a while before he returned; with Justice League, audiences have been given but a year to sit on the character's death. His return really doesn't feel all that special, much unlike his resurrection in the comics.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.