7 Unnecessarily Complicated Movie Plots That Had Simple Solutions

6. The Avengers (2012)

The-Avengers-Iron-Man-image-lasers2The Complicated Plot: Much of Joss Whedon's The Avengers involves the assembling of the eponymous superhero team. That is, until in the movie's final hour, God of Mischief Loki opens up a huge space portal over New York, and a bunch of inter dimensional aliens burst out and attack everyone. Eventually, S.H.I.E.L.D, who are in charge of everything (and are responsible for putting together the "Avengers Initiative"), opt to nuking New York in its entirety, because that's the only way to stop the aliens in a world like this. Luckily, Tony Stark, who we all know and love as Iron Man, decides that he doesn't like that plan, and opts - instead - to redirect the nuke into the portal, where it blows up and kills the alien scum. The day is saved. The Incredibly Simple Solution: Why don't S.H.I.E.L.D. consider firing the nuke into the portal in the first place? You know, like Iron Man and everybody else with half a brain decides is a far better idea as soon as they hear what the apparently smart organisation has in store for everyone. Surely sending a bomb into the actual portal is a far better plan to have gone through with originally, anyway? I mean, it's not like S.H.I.E.L.D were worried about the fact that it wouldn't have worked, or that Manhattan would have been damaged somehow, because they were going to nuke New York freakin' City anyway.If it hadn't of worked, then I can totally understand why the annihilation of an iconic cityscape might have been deemed necessary, but at least go for the portal first, guys. And guess what? It definitely would have worked. Because it works when Iron Man actually does it in the movie, against orders, resulting in everybody at S.H.I.E.L.D. looking like total morons. Except Nick Fury, because he at least tried to stop such a dumbass plan from ever happening (and he's Samuel L. Jackson - I'm not picking a fight with that guy).
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All-round pop culture obsessive.