7 Ups And 9 Downs From San Andreas

3. It's Kinda Self-Aware...Kinda

One thing audiences may find themselves wrestling with is trying to comprehend the movie's tone, namely: is it self-aware garbage or does it genuinely believe it's heartfelt? There are times that the film is undeniably aware of its own silliness, namely one gut-bustingly hilarious moment in which, after tandem jumping out of a plane and landing on a baseball mound, Johnson says to Gugino, "It's been awhile since I got you to second base." The line's sure to elicit a mixture of groans and thigh-slapping laughs from audiences, but Johnson delivers it with a sure wink and nudge, such that even if he's one of the few people in on the joke, the film doesn't take itself completely seriously, which would've been a huge mistake. There are other vague nods to this throughout the movie, but even so, on occasion the film treats its stakes like they really matter, and given the thin characters, it's pretty misguided.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.