7 Ways To Defeat Diana Walter In Lights Out

5. Fighting The Good Fight

Diana  Lights Out
New Line Cinema

For those of you who prefer a good fight to some cardio, the film's finale provides us with some useful information. While Rebecca is down in the basement, a spine-tingling jump scare relays that not all light effects Diana the same way. Where ordinary light causes her to disappear, the blue tint of a focused ultraviolet light seems to have the opposite effect. It not only shows us how terrifying Diana actually looks, but appears to pull her supernatural form into the physical reality of our world.

In other words, once bathed in ultraviolet light she becomes vulnerable to physical damage. For those doubters out there, take a look at the scene where Diana grabs Rebecca from the darkened doorway. The ultraviolet light not only lights up Diana's disfigured hand in all its glory, but allows Rebecca to slam it between the door and frame, causing Diana to release her.

A sound strategy would thus be to surround yourself with some focused ultraviolet light, both portable and otherwise. Once caught in your trap and vulnerable, you'll have the opportunity to reign down fire on Diana, after a visit to your favorite family gun store, that is. Better yet, why not fit a portable UV tube with a blade and become the Jedi you have always wanted to be?


Granted, I don't know much about the emotional state of vengeful spirits; but I'm sure the constant hurt of gunfire and blades would cause Diana to grow tired of bothering you. But if not, at least you'll be protected.


Facing your fears is easier said than done; a fact I'm reminded of whenever facing off against a flying cockroach. We also can't be sure that this method will kill Diana. It might just serve to make her angrier.

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Lights Out
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A self-proclaimed geek with an interest in video games, movies, series, comic books, and tabletop games. Some would say I spend far too much time overthinking irrelevant things. I agree with them, then do it anyway.