8 Actor Recasts That Completely Changed Everything

8. Daario Naharis - Game Of Thrones

The recasting of the character Daario Naharis in the HBO series Game Of Thrones is completely baffling. He goes from someone with long, shoulder-length blonde hair and a clean-shaven face to having dark, short hair and a thick beard. That's not to mention all the other facial differences, vocal differences, differences in personality... y'know, everything.

The original actor was a man named Ed Skrein, who was replaced suddenly by Michael Huisman at the start of Season 4. And the reason for the recast is still quite ambiguous (apparently it involved 'politics'). Many people find the people of Game Of Thrones difficult enough to follow already without recasting a character in a such a dramatic (and seemingly pointless) way. Especially when you've got main figures like Daenerys and Grey Worm referring to Daario as though he hasn't changed. Though there have been many other examples of recast actors within the show, Daario Naharis easily plays the most significant role and was the most jarringly handled.

Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.