8 Actors Who Scared Other Actors So Much They Forgot Their Lines

5. Heath Ledger Scared Michael Caine - The Dark Knight

Sexy Beast Ben Kingsley Ray Winstone
Warner Bros.

Heath Ledger gave an all-timer, Oscar-winning performance in The Dark Knight as The Joker - a performance that disturbed several of his co-stars, namely Maggie Gyllenhaal and Michael Caine.

In the latter case, Ledger's sheer presence of character was so jolting that the veteran Caine even forgot what he was supposed to say. Caine said:

"He is very, very scary... I had to do this bit where Batman and I watch a video which The Joker sends to threaten us. So I'd never seen him, and then he came on the television in the first rehearsal, and I completely forgot my lines. I flipped because it was so stunning. It was quite amazing. Wait until you see it, it's incredible."

To throw a seemingly unflappable industry titan like Michael Caine off his game is quite the impressive achievement indeed, and Ledger's performance has since terrified hundreds of millions worldwide.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.