8 Amazing Comic Book Storylines Completely Ruined By Superhero Movies

1. The Fantastic

After screwing up the Fantastic Four's origin story back in 2005, Fox rebooted the franchise with director Josh Trank at the helm (that was a mistake) and decided to focus on a younger version of the team in a movie clearly inspired by the retelling of the team's origin story in the Ultimate Marvel Universe. As it turns out, adapting a fairly average comic isn't the best idea, but that was still better than what ended up on screen. One thing it did get right was the relationship between Reed and the arrogant Victor. His decision to meddle with his classmate's experiment is what gave the team their powers and left him more metal than man, although the movie obviously didn't even want to fully go down that route, and instead made them drinking buddies. Hell, the movie was so grounded that it never even gave them the pretty cool prototype costumes from this comic. Which other movies messed up great comic book storylines? Shout out any we missed down in the comments.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.