8 Awesome Ways For The Joker To Cameo In Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

8. Suicide Squad Stinger

While they'll no doubt face accusations of copying Marvel (which is ridiculous when you think about how many movies have after-credits scenes these days), a stinger which utilises a cameo from The Joker to set up the events of Suicide Squad would be a smart move by Warner Bros. After all, there's a very good chance that release is going to be a hard sell, so using something as huge as Batman V Superman to get moviegoers excited could end up making all the difference by the time August rolls around. The Joker is such an iconic villain that he's the most logical choice to use in a scene like this, and even if it's just a shot of him sitting in Arkham Asylum and a smile spreading across his face when news cameras capture their first glimpse of Batman (something which would be reminiscent of a similar moment from The Dark Knight Returns), it would be sure to get fans and non-fans alike talking. Assuming that Batman V Superman is going to tease his existence throughout by having Batman or even Clark Kent refer to the Clown Prince of Crime, an actual appearance right at the end of the movie would be a cool moment which actually feels earned. If Warner Bros. really want to tease audiences, they could just have his laugh right at the very end of the credits with Suicide Squad's logo and release date!

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.