8 Ball-Busting Scenes That Leave All Men Crossing Their Legs
2. Antichrist - Bloody Masturbation
It's not surprising to see Lars von Trier on a list of sensitisation. Be it stupid comments (Hitler had some good ideas) or destroying relationships (Shia LaBeouf's girlfriend was less than happy after the actor announcing plans to have hardcore sex Nymphomaniac), he is a man willingly wrought with controversy and would probably be quite disheartened to not see his abhorrent horror Antichrist not top this list.
In a sort of attempt at a Don't Look Now homage (sadly lacking In Bruges dwarf), Willem Defoe and Charlotte Gainsbourg move away from home to deal with their child's death. But instead of exploring death and madness in bleak off season Venice, we get grotesque horror in the woods.
One of the films most well known (and deplored) scenes comes at its climax, where a fully psychotic Gainsbourg masturbates Defoes penis until it bleeds. I'll give you a moment. Maybe not quite as bad as the film's later female castration by rusty scissors, it is still a moment that seals the films reputation as one of the most graphic horror films ever.