8 Ball-Busting Scenes That Leave All Men Crossing Their Legs

2. Antichrist €“- Bloody Masturbation

Nordisk Film Distribution

It€™'s not surprising to see Lars von Trier on a list of sensitisation. Be it stupid comments (€˜Hitler had some good ideas€™) or destroying relationships (Shia LaBeouf'€™s girlfriend was less than happy after the actor announcing plans to have hardcore sex Nymphomaniac), he is a man willingly wrought with controversy and would probably be quite disheartened to not see his abhorrent horror Antichrist not top this list.

In a sort of attempt at a Don€™'t Look Now homage (sadly lacking In Bruges€™ dwarf), Willem Defoe and Charlotte Gainsbourg move away from home to deal with their child€™'s death. But instead of exploring death and madness in bleak off season Venice, we get grotesque horror in the woods.

One of the film€™s most well known (and deplored) scenes comes at its climax, where a fully psychotic Gainsbourg masturbates Defoe€™s penis until it bleeds. I'€™ll give you a moment. Maybe not quite as bad as the film'€™s later female castration by rusty scissors, it is still a moment that seals the films reputation as one of the most graphic horror films ever.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.