8 Beloved Movie Heroes You Didn't Realise Were Terrible At Their Jobs

3. Nick Fury Spends Most Of His Time Trying To Resolve Problems That He Himself Created

Nick FuryThe Movies: Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America: The First Avenger, The Avengers Nick Fury is best known as "that guy responsible for putting together the Avengers," a task which proved so incredibly arduous that it's probably worth giving the man a free pass for life for even attempting to make it work. So although he successfully manages to assemble a team that will one day come together to save the world from an alien invasion (making him indirectly responsible as saviour of Earth and all mankind), Fury is also really, really bad at other aspects of his job. In fact, he's often the guy creating most of his own problems. Example: why in God's good name does he allow Bruce Banner on board the invisible airship in The Avengers? As head honcho in an intelligent organisation like S.H.I.E.L.D., Fury should have known that putting the most dangerous human on the planet (who, by the way, is also invincible) was probably a bad idea, you know? Why does he spend so much time ensuring that safety procedures are adhered to whilst Banner is escorted onto the ship, only to allow him free access to wander around, bantering and arguing, when he's actually inside it? That's not all. There's also the time when Fury knew that Hawkeye had been turned evil and was being manipulated by Loki, and was probably going to attack S.H.I.E.L.D. at some point in the future. Despite the fact that he witnessed this occurrence at the beginning of The Avengers, Fury doesn't bother to prepare for this attack, because he's too busy not doing his job properly. But if he knew Hawkeye might attack, he also knew that Hawkeye's attack might set of the Hulk. So why - in the name of all that is holy - is Banner on board, Nick?
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All-round pop culture obsessive.