8 Best Batman Movie Villains You Didn't Get To See
8. Nic Cage’s Scarecrow
The Film: Batman Unchained
There’s some fairly well-publicised scorn around the idea that Joel Schumacher’s Batman Unchained (wrongly called Batman Triumphant for some time) might have been at all good, but there was some promise in there. We already know Schumacher was looking to go darker and the idea of having Batman haunted by the Joker’s spectre was so compelling the Arkham games stole it.
On top of that, the idea of Nic Cage being encouraged to go full Cage - at the same time as offering a balanced performance as Dr Jonathan Crane - is actually quite glorious when you think about it. He’s always been good with duel personalities (see Kick-Ass and Face/Off) and seeing him play with darker material and have fun would have been great.