8 Best Movie Career Comebacks

5. Lost In Translation - Sofia Coppola

Sofia Coppola There aren't many people who would argue if said that Sofia Coppola's performance in The Godfather Part III was anything other than Scanners-head-explodingly-abysmal. To say that she killed the franchise would be slightly harsh, as the film itself wasn't exactly a phenomenon in the first place, but the fact that most people will immediately recall her "skills" when first asked about the movie speaks great volumes of just how terrible she really was. It most certainly doesn't help the memory of her acting abilities that not only did she play a bit part in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, but she was also nominated for the Worst Supporting actress Razzie for said bit part. Ouch. So as a surprise to literally no one, Coppola stepped away from the lens and, to the surprise of quite a few, took up the seat behind it. Her first major success as a director came at only the second attempt, with Lost In Translation, arguably the film which taps into the most emotions you're ever likely to see. Lost In Translation was such an unmitigated success that it was nominated for, or won over fifty major awards, including four Academy Award nominations, with one win. So in short, the woman nominated for two Razzies as the worst actress on two separate occasions in the nineties then won an Oscar for the Best Original Screenplay four years later. Win.

English MA Graduate, passionate about film, Sunderland A.F.C., tv and music with guitars found somewhere in it.