8 Comedy Films You Should Die Before You See

2. Freddy Got Fingered

freddy got fingered When The Tom Green Show became a hit for MTV, Twentieth Century Fox gave its brash, loud-mouthed host $12 million to make his own movie, which Green spent staging sequences featuring animal abuse, a baby being swung by its umbilical cord and a handicapped woman who lives to give oral sex. There€™s no structure to Green€™s script, no story, no jokes, punchlines or satire, just a succession of gross-out gags staged like a TV show, with crew members occasionally visible. Your €˜enjoyment€™ of the picture will rest upon your tolerance for watching a would-be celebrity dance around in a deer carcass, beat his handicapped girlfriend with a bamboo rod or, having saved the best till last, accuse his father of €œfingering€ his younger brother. Tune in if that€™s your cup of tea, but everyone else will share critic Stephen Hunter€™s opinion: €œWhat part of €˜unfunny€™ doesn€™t Tom Green understand?€

Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'