8 Comic Book Characters Hollywood Will Never Understand

1. X-Men

X-Men: Red
Marvel Comics

The X-Men films may have been entertaining - especially so, in the case of X2, First Class and Days of Future Past - but few seem to understand the life blood of the source material: that of mutants being an allegory for marginalised peoples, outsiders, and resistance movements.

It's important to remember that there have of course been great portrayals in the X-Men film series - Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen were pitch perfect as Professor X and Magneto respectively, not to mention the legendary status of Hugh Jackman's Wolverine - but few productions have truly nailed what the comics were about. Logan certainly did, but it heralded the end of an era for Fox's X-Men and also tacitly illustrated the franchise's greatest problem - its obsession with that character (and its misrepresentation of Logan's teammates).

The X-Men are more than Wolverine, and Wolverine is more than the X-Men. While it's likely Marvel Studios will alert to this fact next year by making Wolverine an Avenger in no time at all, it remains to be seen whether or not they'll convey the most resonant qualities of Xavier's mutants, or even their cosmic adventures too. Dark Phoenix, now releasing in the summer of next year, has almost entirely erased the cosmic nature of the story, and it'll bookend what many will ultimately consider to be two decades of wasted potential.

There is just so much to the X-Men that mainstream audiences are yet to see. Hopefully, with Disney's acquisition of Fox, big changes will come.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.