8 Coolest Quentin Tarantino Characters

3. Hugo Stiglitz (Inglourious Basterds)

url-22 A member of the Basterds, Stiglitz was bust out of prison after slaughtering 13 Gestapo offices in a variety of brutal and sadistic ways. Specialising in espionage, he is a quiet and stern individual, but loves nothing more than killing some Nazis. Handy with a knife and gun, Stiglitz helps the British lieutenant Archie Hicox and actress turn spy Bridget Von Hammersmark go incognito into a basement full of Nazis which eventually ends in a bloodbath, after Stiglitz pulls the trigger on SS-Sturmbannführer Dieter Hellstrom€™s private parts. Awesome.

A 16 year old currently doing her GCSE's. I spend my time avidly watching films and doing little else.