8 Crazy Fan Theories That Actually Improve Horror Movies

6. Black Swan Is A Remake Of Showgirls

Is Black Swan really a horror film? It was marketed as a €œprestigious€ psychological thriller, but let€™s be honest €“ this is a movie with false scares, doppelgangers and a ton of psychobabble that wouldn€™t look out of place in a William Castle picture. It€™s about as upmarket as Showgirls, which it very closely resembles. According to Black Swan, the world of ballet is no different from lap dancing €“ they€™re both about sex, are viciously competitive and you have to sleep with your boss to get ahead. The movie€™s really a Joe Eszterhas flick with pretensions, the kind of film where every character has a way with sexual innuendo and even the fast food waiter delivers lines like €œLet me know if it€™s juicy enough for you.€ Then there€™s the rug-munching scene, which is purely artistic, advances the story etc etc. Eszterhas specializes in cod psychology, but even he€™d draw the line at delineating characters by dressing one in black, one in white, and suggesting our heroine might€™ve gone off the deep end by having the eyes of her paintings literally follow her around the room. Chalk such moments down to director Darren Aronofsky, who also gave us The Fountain, a picture so head-scratchingly bizarre that even star Hugh Jackman didn€™t know what it was about.

Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'