8 Details You Didn't Know About 1917

1. The Audience Passes Out With Schofield

1917 Trenches

As mentioned many times before, the movie is filmed so it appears to be one continuous shot. The only break from the feeling of one long shot and the only time jump in 1917 is when Lance Corporal Schofield passes out from a ricocheting bullet.

He wakes up a few hours later when it is dark outside, and in a sense, the audience passes out with Schofield since we have been following him in real-time for the first half of the movie. We pass out when he does, and we wake up with him, disoriented in the darkness.

There are people online who have claimed that it is an error or a mistake that Schofield at first wakes up in the dark and a few scenes later it is morning, but this is a way of showing that time has passed. He blacked out for a long time and hours later he wakes up, and we do too.

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David Renklint is a Swedish author feeding on pop culture references. When he's not writing horror and fantasy novels he's working on his master's thesis about religious references in Bioshock. His favorite sounds are the Wolverine "SNIKT" and Theoden screaming "DEATH!"