8 Devious Ways Movie Posters Trick You Into Seeing Terrible Films

4. They Present Sarcasm Literally

Samson Films

At what point does it matter what a quote on a poster actually says? If it€'s being used by a distributor to sell their product it has to be a positive appraisal, right? Thus is the thinking here, where someone gave up looking for a good quote and instead tried to extract praise from extreme criticism. A film so minor it doesn€'t even have its own Wikipedia page (seriously), The Most Fertile Man In Ireland came and went with nary a notice back in 2001.

Its only claim to fame is not the gravitas (or lack thereof) Kris Marshall brings to the role of a twenty-something-virgin with super-sperm, but the way distributor Samson Films twisted a scathing review by Mark Kermode into positive publicity. The DVD (now out of distribution for some reason) came adorned with shining endorsement from Britain€'s most trusted critic, who was credited on the box as saying it was €"as funny as the title suggests€". Now the more astute of you will have noticed the little logic-gap with this; the title isn€'t funny. Giving the film a panning in The Observer, Kermode€'s throwaway comment had been twisted, probably as it was the least awful review Samson could find.

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.