8 Devious Ways Movie Posters Trick You Into Seeing Terrible Films

6. Heavy... Use... Of... Ellipsis

Tribeca Film

The ellipsis is a quoter€'s best friend. Allowing vast swathes of text to be cut down to just the key points, it rears its head in the boosting of a bad film by allowing questionable film reviews to become glowing endorsements with a few simple cuts. Say a reviewer praises a film€'s acting in one paragraph and in the next disses the script before commending the fight scenes. Then you€'ve got the ready made poster quote €"superb acting ... great action€."

It's distributors working at their most underhanded. They€'re not twisting the truth directly - the critic did praise these elements - but in presenting only select good elements they create the illusion of an overall positive critical appraisal. The thing is, as annoying as it is to see, at the end of the day it€'s not lying, which is so prevalent in the other examples, so this is actually one of the best methods of deceit.

Or rather, €"ellipsis ... not twisting the truth ... one of the best€."

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.