8 Devious Ways Movie Posters Trick You Into Seeing Terrible Films

5. Critics Lie Just To Get Quoted

Warner Bros.

We€'ve seen the lengths studios will go to give their film a sheen of quality, but it€'s worth remembering movie poster quotes work both ways. If a critic€'s name ends up on the poster, they€'re guaranteed a big ego boost and higher profile. Which naturally draws people who will forsake their integrity in place of their name being mixed in with an inferior film€'s marketing. Any review that brings with it any €"... of the year"€ quote is likely baiting this, particular if it comes before December (i.e. the end of the year).

The nadir of this practice came twenty years ago, all as the result of a seemingly-innocent bet. There was a time when Jonathan Ross masquewaded as a film cwitic, presenting the BBC€'s Film programme for a whopping eleven years. But a lot of his opinions fell on deaf ears to many; he€'d thrown any respect out of the window when he dubbed Batman Forever €"One of the greatest movies ever made€." However, rather than a genuine endorsement, this all stems from a bet he made with his brother Paul Ross to see who could get published on the VHS of a film first.

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.