8 Directors Who Have The Worst Takes About Their Own Movie Endings

3. J.J. Abrams Thinks Being A Palpatine Is Worse Than Being A Nobody - The Rise Of Skywalker

Whiplash movie

For all of the divisive reviews that were sent Rian Johnson's The Last Jedi's way in the wake of its 2017 release, the decision to have Daisy Ridley's Rey be revealed as little more than a "nobody" during the middle-entry of the Sequels was one that many felt acted as perhaps the most inspired plot twist the franchise had introduced in years.

But then, in what felt like little more than a lazy attempt to appeal to those who had been theorising over Rey's heritage since The Force Awakens blasted off into theatres in 2015, J.J. Abrams decided to bizarrely undo Johnson's work from the film prior and have Rey be actually revealed to have been a Palpatine all along.

Stripping away the idea that any average human could find it within themselves to make a difference, Abrams eventually explained that he felt the "you're nobody" direction simply wasn't as painful as his Palpatine development:

"Though I completely understand 'you're nobody' is a devastating thing, to me the more painful, the more shocking thing was the idea that you're actually from the worst possible place."

And it was because of this decision to lazily lean into what came before instead of heading into the unexplored waters that were teased in Episode VIII that fans were ultimately exposed to Rey duking it out with her granddaddy in Rise of Skywalker's climax.

Whatever way you slice it, the Force was not strong with this particular take and Episode IX suffered the consequences as a result.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...