8 Documentaries That Literally Changed The World

Freeing a prisoner, killing a theme park and empowering a certain Adolf Hitler.

Film-making is a powerful tool. Often, stories are used as a way of discovering some kind of higher revelation about the nature of society, or the world at large. But documentary film-making is something else entirely. For a start, it's deeply rooted in truth. Regardless of whether or not certain documentaries exaggerate or fabricate, they are still intrinsically linked to reality. Perhaps they're based on a real story, or they're a response to a real piece of legislation. In general, the people are real, their reactions are real, and the subject matter is real too. It's this closeness to reality that allows documentary film-making to have a powerful, tangible effect on the real world, whether that's saving lives or vastly improving them. This is something that fictional, blockbuster film-making simply can't do. From freeing someone wrongly imprisoned for murder to shifting the course of several intimidatingly powerful companies, here are the documentaries that quite literally changed the world.


Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.