8 Dystopian Films That Might Come True

7. 2019: After The Fall Of New York

The Running Man
Media Blasters

Conflict between the Pan-American Alliance (good guys) and a Euro-Afro-Asian contingent calling themselves the Eurac Monarchy (bad guys) led to the Earth being “reduced to a garbage-strewn radioactive desert inhabited by humans devoid of all hope for a future.” Now under Eurac rule, New York City has become a killing ground, a place where Euracs hunt and kill any survivors, even though their choice of get-up suggests they’d be far happier practicing Kendo.

In the Nevada Desert (or its Italian equivalent), road warrior Parsifal (Michael Sopkiw) literally defies death in a vehicular gladiatorial contest, bringing him to the attention of Pan-Am president Edmund Purdom, who’s clearly seen Escape From New York because he wants Sopkiw to go on a search-and-rescue mission.

With the population rendered sterile courtesy of radiation, there hasn’t been a child born in fifteen years, but Purdom’s computer has thrown out the name of the world’s last fertile woman located somewhere in (you guessed it) New York City. If she’s young enough, Purdom reasons, her ovaries may contain as many as five hundred unfertilized eggs: “That’s five hundred uncontaminated human beings!”


Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'