8 Even More Movie Scenes You Didn’t Realise Were Tricking You

6. An Inflatable Crowd Was Used - The King’s Speech

Titanic Ending Kate Winslet Leonardo DiCaprio

In a perfect world, just about every director on planet Earth would prefer to bring in an entirely real capacity crowd for those big-screen moments involving a large group of people sitting in one place. But gathering over a thousand extras together for the shooting of one scene sometimes just isn't possible.

So, when it came time to capture the moment Colin Firth's King George VI stuttered his way through a speech at Wembley Stadium during Tom Hooper's 2010 eventual Oscar-winner The King's Speech, the call was made to bring in some blow-up back-up.

That's right, many of the folks seen watching the King in this opening scene weren't actually folks at all - they were inflatable extras (via The Guardian). These full of air extras were first used for Seabiscuit in 2002, with Joe Biggins being the person behind what would ultimately become known as The Inflatable Crowd Company.

Each blow-up doll is given a mask and costume before being seamlessly added into the background alongside some real people to fool you into thinking you were watching a fully alive crowd.

So, next time you check out this King's first speech in the flick, just know that he's also being watched by 1,500 inflatables.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...