8 Even More Movie Scenes You Didn’t Realise Were Tricking You

4. The Actors Weren’t Actually Driving During Certain Moments - Baby Driver

Titanic Ending Kate Winslet Leonardo DiCaprio
TriStar Pictures

While it may have often looked like Ansel Elgort's Baby was doing much of the drifting and speeding himself throughout Edgar Wright's exhilarating ride that is Baby Driver, that was largely just one big, high-speed trick.

You see, though the actors seen reacting within these vehicles during the various chase and escape scenes were very much present within the cars during the shooting of these moments, they weren't actually required to do as much driving as you think.

Instead, the majority of the perilous screeching and flying down roads was performed by stunt driver Jeremy Fry, who often found himself strapped into a cage above the vehicle as he genuinely pushed the pedal to the metal above the actors being shot on camera below (via CBC).

Having Fry be the one in control of everything the car did during these moments meant that Elgort, Jon Hamm, and whoever else was seated in the automobile could purely concentrate on their performance.

Sure, the star bringing Baby to life did get to perform a few of his own stunts - ones that didn't put his co-stars at risk - but a ton of that close-up getaway driving action was actually being done by a fearless person sat on top of (or the side of) the speeding car.

Now you know.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...