8 Famous Actors Who Bullied Their Co-Stars

7. Tommy Lee Jones Tried To Intimidate Jim Carrey - Batman Forever

Tommy Lee Jones has a reputation for being a bit of an assh*le; just YouTube a random interview with him doing a press junket and you'll see why. The man seems antagonistic to the point of parody and totally out of his element just trying to sell a movie. It's weird. Still, Jones' ego isn't reserved purely for the likes of meek and defenceless journalists - he was apparently none too fun to work with on Joel Schumacher's awful superhero flick Batman Forever, either, which has the honour of being, like, the second most terrible superhero movie ever, merely because its sequel, Batman & Robin, is even worse. Anyway, Jones - according to Schumacher - had unnecessary beef with co-star Jim Carrey and proceeded to antagonise him frequently. Carrey even stated that Jones once told him: "I hate you. I really don't like you... I cannot sanction your buffoonery." According to Schumacher, Carrey refused to respond and acted like a perfect gentleman.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.