8 Famous Movie Plot Holes With Shockingly Simple Solutions
2. Why Does The Matrix Exist In Such An Advanced Time Period? - The Matrix
The "Plot Hole"
In the world of The Matrix, humanity lives unknowingly inside a program created by sentient robots, as to conceal us from the "real world" - an endless farm where artificial intelligence use our bodies as mere batteries.
The "Matrix" itself resembles the world back in 1999 (which, at the time of the movie's release, was the present), and is therefore inclusive of the technology available at that point. But why would the robots put humans in a world that gave them the means to "wake up" from the Matrix? Why not plunge them into the ice age instead?
The Simple Solution
This isn't even a simple solution that I've come up with on a whim to try and convince you: the movie outright tells us why A.I. put us at the peak of our civilisation, and the reasoning makes sense. Given that humanity was at a point resembling the "present" when the artificial intelligence took over and plunged us into darkness, it's at this point that human beings are wired to live within.
Agent Smith explains that trying to put humanity in a time period unlike the one they were supposed to live in meant that they kept trying to wake up from a "dream."