8 Fictional Characters That Are Hotter Than The Actress Who Played Them

1. Kate Beckinsale/Selene - Underworld


Let's just get this out of the way here by saying Kate Beckinsale is unbelievably hot as is. You take one look at her and think to yourself that really there is no way to make this beautiful creature any hotter but apparently there is. Kate Beckinsale has made a career out of appearing in mostly dramatic movies so at first glance she might not have seemed like the perfect choice for an action movie. It's a good thing someone took a second glance because ever since then we've been taking third glances, and fourths and so on and so forth. It's not only the skintight suit, the ridiculously sexy eyes and the seemingly always wet hair that make Selene hot. There's just something about a woman that can kick the crap out of a bunch of vampires and werewolves that makes her unbelievably sexy. You know she looks good but she's also got some moves. Like I said earlier Kate Beckinsale was already hot and she looks good in anything but as Selene she just takes it to a whole new level. I'm not sure who decided to put her in a skintight suit, give her vampire teeth and sexy contacts but I suggest you give that person a raise. Did we miss any actresses that you thought were made hotter by the roles they played? Share your own picks in the comments.
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I am a writer/musician and hopeless entertainment addict. I could talk your ear off all day about my vast (albeit completely useless) knowledge of pro-wrestling and then argue with you how the characters in LOST were more important than the plot itself. Yeah I'm that guy. Follow me on twitter @IAMJoshFoster.